Newsletter – March 2022

Dear Milk Lake Community,

This is John and Jenna, caretakers for the Milk Lake Retreat Centre in Middlewood, Nova Scotia.  As we continue to diligently work on the cabins and property to ensure a safe and uplifted practice environment, we are looking into the future and what projects need to be completed in this new year.

 (above photo – the sun reflecting on the snowy field at Milk Lake, 2022)


Spring Cleanup Community Day

Milk Lake is planning for a “Spring Cleanup Community Day” for Sunday April 24 and we invite any and all who would like to volunteer their time to help us get the cabins ready for guests on retreat.  We would like to get together as a community (Covid guidelines pending) and help to “Spring Clean”  the cabins for everyone to enjoy!  Lunch will be provided and all are welcome!  If you can attend, please RSVP [email protected] and let us know if you can offer a drive to those in need.

Project Updates

  • The woodstove in the Samayatara Cabin had issues with smoke leaking into the cabin.  However, thanks to the advice of one of our guests, we have completely cleaned the inside of the stove’s vents, removing a buildup of ash and in addition, we’ve replaced the gasket roping on the doors.  This has improved the woodstove wonderfully and is functioning normally once again!

  • The electrical mast has broken again on the Samayatara cabin.  During one of the windstorms a tree had fallen on the line and bent the mast.  This is an unfortunate occurrence as we had already fixed it in early December 2021.  This has been fixed again with the help of our local electricians and the cabin is available for everyone to continue to enjoy.

  • Our project of installing solar panels to reduce the electricity costs is going to be put on hold for the time being.  There is a greater need at this time to finance the projects that are necessary for the day to day retreats.  With that said, we have quotes for the work and can start to set up a timeline to start this project possibly later this year or the spring of 2023.

  • We are working with NS Power to do an extensive tree trimming and removal around the high voltage power lines on the property.  The schedule for this is pending and with the removal of overgrown trees on the power lines, this should help to reduce power outages during retreat. Thankfully the power did not go out during the winter weather in January and February

Tree Removal

A new and unexpected project has emerged recently that we are looking to complete shortly.  One of the big old trees next to the Buddhalocana cabin has been deemed unsafe and needs to be removed for the safety of all our guests.  Due to the tree’s proximity to the cabin a crane will need to be brought in to safely bring it down.  This will be a costly project, and any donations or support would be greatly appreciated.  Guests may continue to stay in the cabin until the tree is removed but cannot be in the cabin the day the tree is taken down.

Supporting Milk Lake!

We want to encourage everyone who has not already booked a retreat to plan for a visit this year.  The Milk Lake website’s cabin availability calendar has all the current retreat reservations and is a great spot to start looking for a cabin to fit your schedule.  We want to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to come stay and enjoy Milk Lake!

Whether you are able to stay on a retreat or not, we always value the support of a donation.  If you are interested in making a one time or monthly donation, please go to the Shambhala Canada donation webpage and make your contribution.  Thank you to everyone who has already set up a recurring monthly donation towards Milk Lake, it is making a huge difference!!!

Be sure to click on the box for recurring donations if that is part of your intention.

Add a note in the comments box so your donation is directed to the correct fund.

If you have any problems in setting this up, we’d be happy to set this up on your behalf. 

Contact us at [email protected] and we’ll happily follow up with you!

Thank you for your time to follow along with the ongoing changes here at Milk Lake. 

We are excited to continue our work and provide a place for everyone to enjoy!

Cheerful year of the Water Tiger!


With appreciations from;

The Milk Lake Caretakers:

Jenna Young
John Shaw


The Milk Lake Advisory Council:

David Brown
Mary Campbell
Eve Rosenthal
Jim Torbert